Saturday, May 3, 2008

Our Little Slaves - I Mean Helpers

One nice thing about having all boys, especially since they have the potential to be very big and strong, is that we will exploit their physical strength (and enhance it!) with manual labor. We have thus started the process of grooming them for such physical chores as shoveling dirt. Observe how quickly they caught on. And this from two-year-olds! Oh, the plans I will make for them to accomplish (insert evil laugh).

Wait a minute - Josh seems to be shirking his duties! Okay, so maybe for now I let them decide when they want to help and when they want to stop. Once they figure out it's not really fun to work with Mommy & Daddy, it will be too late (more evil laughing). But aren't they just so darn cute? My little helpers. Just makes me so proud!


NAN said...

hi nancy! mine likes to "sweep" and "wipe the table" with a paper towel. i bought him a toy broom and dustpan so he can really get into it . . . (maniacal cackling). :)

3BoyMommy said...

Nice. Start them young,right?

sjaa said...

Oh, I can not WAIT for the day my boys are big and strong and I will put them to work like they have never worked before!! Mwah ha ha ha ha!!!!!

Grandmaof3 said...

Ask Chris how much he "helped" us on stuff around the house! We made it fun, so he thought it was fun! Double Mwah ha ha ha!!!