Thursday, May 22, 2008

Club CityFit

So we took the plunge and joined a gym yesterday. I had been thinking about doing something like this for quite some time, but nothing really seemed right. Curves doesn't have childcare. The YMCA's childcare hours ended too early. Most other places are too expensive.

This place is going to cost us $35 per month, for the whole family. This includes unlimited parking garage usage, unlimited tanning (not like we'll use that one much, but still), a personal locker, towel service, and 3 personal training sessions. Plus childcare.

So I was all excited to go today, and just could not make it for the morning childcare hours (9:00am-noon). So I decided to go during second set of childcare hours (4:00-8:00pm). At around 4:30pm I messaged Chris to see if he wanted me to take the kids or just go alone, and he said I could wait for him and go alone. But I had told the boys that we were going to the gym, and I wanted to try it out with them to see how it was going to be. I told them several times that they would have to hold on to the stroller until we got to their room, and then they'd get a lollipop (hey, if it works!). It was a chore getting all 3 ready plus the stuff, but we got it all done. They did SOO good.

And when we got there we found out that the 2 childcare workers on the schedule for today never showed up. There was no one there to watch my kids. And nobody could be spared from the rest of the staff. SO I wanted to cry. I had been looking forward to exercising and showering all day. I called Chris and he said he'd stop by and watch them in the room for a little bit. And the club called one of the other workers to come in as backup. So she got there when I was almost done working out.

The guy working the desk said that was a very rare thing (it better be, seeing as I joined this place specifically for the childcare option!).

So the facility is very nice, but the childcare room is pretty small. And there's really no place for a baby (he was in the car seat attached to the stroller for most of it, then the worker held him for a bit after he woke up). And the person I met tonight seemed extremely disinterested in interacting with my kids. She just stood in the corner and looked bored.

I'm wondering how long it will be before the novelty wears off and the boys don't want to go anymore. But until then, I'm going to try and go a LOT. I have much baby weight to lose and then some more, so I want to take advantage of my membership.

Well, I have to get to bed at a decent time for once.


Beth @ The Natural Mommy said...

If you signed any kind of contract, I'm sure you can get out of it if you express your disappointment (or outrage) in the misleading (or false!) advertisement.

I wonder what we'll do for exercise when we have three. Right now we have a double jogger. We might have to get a single (or maybe just jump the gun and get another double?) :-)

3BoyMommy said...

I'm definitely going to talk with the manager (owner? whoever it was that signed me up) about my concerns. I think it could work out, but they're going to have to change some things.